segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015


Split is the largest Croatian city on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. And, the second largest in the country, after the capital Zagreb. For many many years, there was a small hamlet without great importance until the arrival of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Then, he decided to build his palace, between the years 293 and 305 A.D., exactly where even today lives an old center lively, very well preserved and full of charm.
Split is the largest Croatian city on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. And, the second largest in the country, after the capital Zagreb. For many many years, there was a small hamlet without great importance until the arrival of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Then, he decided to build his palace, between the years 293 and 305 A.D., exactly where even today lives an old center lively, very well preserved and full of charm.

Split is a city of living history that pulsates in each corner. Their treasures remains incredibly well preserved. In 614, the palace of Dioclesiano sheltered refugees in Solin, a city which was 5 kilometers of Split and was devastated by ávaros and Slav spare only the ruins that can still be visited.Among these refugees several religious figures of weight in the season have set themselves in the city of Diocletian and had a strong influence on their development that reached a peak in the Middle Ages when new walls and a strong brought extra protection and long life.

But, despite having a history so old, Croatia in the form in which it is today, is one of the countries most young people of the world. Managed its independence from the former Yugoslavia, only in 1991 after passing by bloody wars which have distanced tourism in the region for a long time. Fortunately, the end of this history was peace and Croatia began to shine as one of the most wanted European scenarios during the summer.And, it is Split that boats depart for some of the most spectacular islands of the Adriatic as Hvar, loose, Brac, VIS, Korcula.
Split has a characteristic very picturesque, its high point is the old center that is exactly in front of the port and within the walls of Diocletian's Palace. The Palace is one of the largest and most well preserved the Roman world. The constructions that exist today there are in the majority of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, but all live harmoniously with the original elements of the palace: niches, colonnades and subways. The cathedral was built on the mausoleum of Diocletian.
The complex of Diocletian's Palace is the entire walled garden and has the form of a rectangle of 215 x 180 meters. They say that was designed according to the will of the emperor, with very luxury for the season. A central street divides the complex into two parts: The Southern Wing was where was the emperor and the north wing was composed by two residential blocks for the workers and warriors. This street goes from the Iron Gate to the Gate of silver. In addition to these gates there are two other: the gate of brass and the Gate of gold.
The Gate of Silver opens to a market which sells food and is an input very currently used. Well in front of the gate is the Oratory of Santa Catarina built in average age

The gate of Gold was the main entrance of the palace. In the 11th century, it was closed and transformed in the Church of Saint Martin (Sv. Martin)

The Iron Gate is still well preserved and is next to the Clock Tower, built in the 12th century. The Church of Our Lady of Atalaia is next.

The Gate of brass is facing the sea and looks more discreet. However, leads to ala more important palace. The upper floor had a port that was closed to create camerette and below had basements underground that were found in relatively recent excavations and are occupied by shops.
It is interesting to observe that the Cathedral of Dônio was built on the mausoleum of Diocletian and became a Catholic church in the seventh century when the sarcophagus with the body of the emperor was removed from the site. The belfry was added later, around the 12th century. The Church is beautiful. Has an octagonal and Corinthian colonnades. On the basis of Campanário there is a large sphinx Egyptian black granite that stands out in the middle of the white.The entrance portal has wooden panels with scenes from the Gospel (which may not be photographed).

It is worth climbing the stairs to get to the top of the Belfry, to have a beautiful view of Split and better understand the configuration of Diocletian's Palace.
The Square Brace Radic saves a medieval tower built by the Venetians after Split have suffered a major defeat, the Marina Tower. In front of the tower, in the center of the square a bronze statue honors the founder of Croatian, Marko Marulic literature.
Split is an enchanting town. Walking its streets, an ice cream, watch the sunset at the Porto ensure good memories of a city that is an open-air museum. Vale to stay in the city for a day or two. If you want to keep the city as the basis for a series of programs and chat-type-lap, then, Vale calculate a few more days to know everything that there is by region. And, it is little thing.

Interesting rides from Split
National Park of Plitvice Lakes, a Heritage of Humanity by Unesco. It is a natural treasures of Croatia with lakes interconnected by waterfalls and surrounded by forest. I could not visit, but it was the will. Is between Zagrb and Split. Is a chat-and-lap of a whole day. 
The island of Brac, where is the beach considered the most beautiful of Croatia. It progresses as one arm or tongue and has calm and crystalline waters of the two sides.
Island of Hvar. Who in fact deserves more than a chat-and-back. The ideal is to sleep on the island about two or three days to be able to explore the region that is beautiful and lively remaining in the summer. Loose Island. Is practically beside the Island Brac. 
The island of the VIS. It is the starting point for the Island of Bisevo where is the Blue Grotto.
Island of Korcula. Considered by many Croats as the most beautiful in Croatia.

Pay attention to olive oils Croats. They are considered the best in the world. Superior to Greek olive oils.

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