terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015

The pyramids of Teotihuacan / Mexico

Perplexity. Admiration. Reverence. Respect. Curiosity. Serenity. It is difficult to describe the range of sensations that has to enter the complex of Teotihuacan. You know one of those places in which everybody seems small and that a peace huge invades the soul? It was thus that many people have for felt to rise slowly, embevecida, each of the 260 steps of the Pyramid of the sun.It is incredible to sit on top of this construction in the high millennial its 65 meters of mystery, look to the valley and not see anything approaching that of their magnitude. And, staying there imagining that everything was made more than two thousand years ago and that more than 120 thousand people came to live in those lands is almost like entering a movie and go back in time.

The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest of the city of Teotihuacan pyramids, the second largest of the whole of Mexico and the third largest in the world. Built in the 10th century II D.The colossal pyramids of Teotihuacan - of the sun and Pyramid Pyramid of the Moon - are part of sacred metropolis of a pre-Aztec civilization. They emerge silently in the midst of a low vegetation, 50 kilometers to the east of the city center of Mexico.

The truth is that little is known about the origin of Teotihuacan. Historians say that the founders of this civilization were part of a people which has not knowledge, and that probably, lived before of the Toltecs. Then, the site was occupied by people of various different ethnicities. Began to grow around the year 200. C. and had its apex in the year 500 A.D., when unified the whole valley and a region still beyond it. It was at this time that the empire has reached the mark of 125 thousand inhabitants.

Then began to fall into decay while their population dissipated. Later, the Aztecs began to consider the location as the sacred to believing that had been built by giants. Even today, the pyramids, the center of ceremonies, the palaces and temples reveal the splendour lived in Teotihuacan, which means the place where men become gods.During the year many people makes pilgrimage along the 82 square kilometers that form the territory of Teotihuacan - where there are around 30 small pyramids.

The avenue of the Dead has approximately 2 kilometers and means of extension and goes from the Pyramid of the Moon until the citadel. But, already had 4 kilometers, in greatness. His name was given by the Aztecs unduly, because they thought that the buildings throughout the Avenida were actual tombs.
The mural of the Jaguar is well hidden between the stairs of a building. It is necessary to seek.For more than a thousand years after its decline, the ruins of Teotihuacan were hidden. Fortunately, the place was not discovered by Hernan Cortés, since it could have been destroyed also - as he did with the Mexico City. The excavations began to be made on the spot in 1864 and continue until today. The Pyramid of the sun was only discovered in 1971 and the Palace of Quetzalpapalotl 40 years before.Our luck, because this alone justifies a visit to Mexico.

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