terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015

Dublin / Irlanda

Dublin is the capital and largest city of Ireland.Just a short walk through the center of Dublin to understand the reasons for which the capital of Ireland is a tourist destination so famous. A metropolis culturally vibrant, with its past is full of history, but it has to evolve with the passing of time - without leaving aside, is clear, the traditions and the youthful spirit that conquers the visitor from the first moment.

Situated on the banks of the River Liffey, Dublin is one of the largest and oldest cities in Europe, a capital where visitors will find more than a thousand pubs - where tasting the Guinness Brewery to the sound of U2, the local band of worldwide success -, elegant Georgian buildings, squares, parks, theaters and extremely important buildings, the example of Trinity College, which houses the Book of Kells, between a series of other interesting points.

Although it is a tourist destination with endless options, both during the day and at night, it is necessary to remember that Dublin is very close to attractions sensational and highlighted. Incredible places, as the Cliffs of Moher, which are a little more than two hours of the city (drive), or even the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland - another complete destination and that is just over two hours (train).

What to do in Dublin
Planning a trip to Dublin? Prepare, because boredom is a word that does not exist in the vocabulary of visiting the capital of Ireland, a European destination very well structured, with cultural and entertainment options for all ages and all kinds of tastes, both during the day and night, will be rainy days or sunny days.
In our view, are needed at least three whole days, if the intention is to take advantage of the main attractions of the city. Are museums and libraries that keep very important treasures, shopping streets full of imposing constructions, parks with beautiful green areas, theaters, monuments, a phenomenal zoo, among other options.

To visit several of these sites, the visitor has available to the Dublin Pass, a card with validity of one to six days, that can be purchased in online or in points of Discover Ireland Center, at the airport or in the center of the capital. To have an idea, the card of three days, for example, gives a discount of EUR 35.50, including transportation from the airport to the city center - in addition to generate savings in time, because it prevents the visitor enfrente queues at the door of the attractions.

The Dublin Pass entitles you to entry into 33 city attractions, the example of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the Guinness Storehouse and Dublin Zoo. In addition, the card ensures discounts in theaters, as the important Abbey (read more about him below), cafes, bars and tours around the capital, as the delicious trip to the hilly County Wicklow, known as the garden of Ireland.

Saint Patrick s Cathedral 
The trip to Dublin is not complete without a visit to the Cathedral dedicated to the holy patron of Ireland, one of the most popular attractions of the city.
Croke Park - Etihad Skyline tour
For more than 100 years the Croke Park has been the home of Irish amateur sports, true national passions, such as hurling and Gaelic Football.

Jameson Distillery
Scotland, United States, Japan and Ireland. The passionate about a good whiskey know that this list refers to some of the best world producers of drink. Well, if you're one of these appreciators, when visiting the Irish capital can not miss the tour by Jameson.

Guinness Storehouse
In Dublin you will know the headquarters of one of the world's most famous breweries, the Guinness Storehouse. A construction of seven floors, an ultramodern and interactive, totally dedicated to the history of the famous mark, since the foundation (250 years ago).

O'Neills Bar & Restaurant
Excellent beers, delicious food, live traditional Irish music and TVs on the best sports channels. Yes, the O'Neill's has all the ingredients that make it an excellent pub, besides the fact that the bar there is for at least 300 years.

Nightlife in Dublin
Dublin is a city that usually does not disappoint those who like to enjoy the night. In addition to night clubs, cafes, theaters and shopping streets full of entertainment options, the city has more than 000 pubs (kind of local bars very popular) serving food good and cheap drinks such as the famous Irish beer Guinness and whiskey produced in the country. Some of them have live music.
The care in these bars, however, is often different from the system" Brazilian. In many of them, for example, pay for drink at the time of request, however, if the request include food, it is possible that the payment to be made in the end, as in a normal restaurant. Another interesting factor is that they tend to be meeting points for the passionate about sports, because transmit games and competitions.
In general, the pubs of city open: Monday to Wednesday, from noon to 23h; on Thursdays and Saturdays until midnight and half; and on Sundays until 23h.

When to go to Dublin
The best time of year to visit Dublin will depend very much on the tastes and the intentions of each visitor. This is because, by making an analysis of climate point of view, the seasons of the year tend to be well defined in the capital of Ireland, although the volume of rainfall is considered well high.
The summer, for example, often be one of the best times to visit the city, not only on account of the pleasant climate, but also by programming &Quot;outdoors" intense, which has just resulting in quite bustling streets. However, it must be attentive because the season can end up costing more expensive, especially as regards the lodging and air passages.
It is in the spring, however, that the visitor will enjoy one of Ireland's most famous celebrations around the world: the St. Patrick's day of Saint Patrick, in Portuguese), concluded on 17 March. In September - with the arrival of autumn - the prices in the city are usually drop a little, a great requested for those who do not care if the climate, which worsens considerably in winter, arriving at very low temperatures, but with little chance of snow.

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